Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1st, 2014- Update and new plants

Hello, plant-minded individuals! I know I haven't posted much of late, but I've been a bit busy. Recently, I started a new chapter of my life, working for a web-app company, Wildbit, leading their customer development efforts for the app Postmark. I've really loved it a lot so far, which is honestly a first. It's a really nice feeling to wake up in the morning and be excited to go in to work.
Anyway. To our leafy friends.
In the past month, my teensy little basil plant has grown tremendously, as have the chives. Before my basil started shooting up so much, I needed basil for a recipe, and they sell basil plants for the same price as basil leaves at Trader Joe's, so now I have 2 basil plants. My succulents haven't really changed that much, nor has the sun rose. It's gotten a bit taller.
The really exciting change I bring to you is the addition of a Ficus Bonsai. I was out at Walgreens last night, just picking up some odds and ends, and I've been eyeing this weird little plant for weeks now, to the point that I was planning on buying it at some point.
I was eyeing it up in the store, and a worker came along and started telling me that they were going to throw it out tonight, and that I could just have the weird little dude if I wanted it at all.
Free Ficus Bonsai. Score.
Now, I've never had a bonsai before. Hell, I didn't even know what this guy was until I spend an hour looking it up and I'm still not 100% sure. I do know that the proper way for him to be potted is probably NOT in rocks that seems to be glued down for ascetic appeal. So, I'm going to try to repot him today if I can.
As I may or may not have mentioned before, I currently live in the Chinatown district of Philadelphia. I've read about a great little store that sells bonsai trees at 10th and Race somewhere, and I think I'm going to go exploring there today, and hope that they have soil and a pot with drainage for repotting. Knowing me, I'll leave with another plant.
Here are some pics of how my plants are doing right now, and of the new Ficus Bonsai.
Succulents and Sun Rose

Basil from Trader Joes



Ficus Bonsai

 Thanks for reading, and if you have any tips, or questions for me, leave them in the comments section! Happy watering.